The triangle pose, also called Trikonasana (“trikona” is a Sanskrit word for “triangle,” while “asana” means “pose”), is a foundational standing pose in yoga that strengthens and lengthens the hamstrings and groin while also opening the shoulders and stretching the hips. The foundational posture is named for the triangle shape your body makes during the move.


๐Ÿ”ถ CHEST AND FLEXIBILITY: A student who has limited flexibility in the hamstrings or hips will find it difficult to focus on opening the chest, as he/she will be unable to move downwards due to discomfort. With the help of a chair, however, they can experience the benefit of the asana and strengthen their spinal and core muscles.

๐Ÿ”ถ OPENS THE HIPS AND SHOULDERS: The triangle pose unlocks the hip flexors and shoulders, increasing mobility and reducing injury risk.

๐Ÿ”ถ STIMULATES YOUR ORGANS: Trikonasana activates your core, which can stimulate your digestive organs, potentially improving your metabolism.

Proper form and technique are essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of a yoga practice. If you have a previous or pre-existing health condition, consult your physician before practicing yoga. Yoga poses may be modified based on your individual needs.

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