Referring to pranayama, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (2:52) state: Tatah kshiyate prakasavaranam – “Thence the covering of the light is destroyed.” Here the covering refers to that which obscures the chitta, consciousness, of the individual. Chitta is essentially pure, being itself made up of sattwa, but is obscured by rajas and tamas, just as fire is enveloped by smoke. This amalgamation of rajas and tamas constitutes the covering or veil which is removed by the regular practice of pranayama. Thus it is said that pranayama purifies the consciousness, and once revealed, the light of knowledge shines. Propelled by rajas and tamas, and entranced by the magic panorama of desire, the individual has made countless efforts to attain the coveted objects, and escape the unpleasant. This accumulated karma of the yogi binds him to repeated births and deaths. The pure essence, which is luminous by nature, becomes covered by these karmas and the jiva, individual soul, is directed towards the wr...